Eostretaigh Building / Landmark in Tellus | World Anvil


Throughout the known world, Eostre of the Dawn has been worshipped for time out of mind. Tellus has a special place in its heart for Eostre, who has saved the hearts and lives of countless Telusians.

It is unsurprising, then, to learn that there are houses of worship all over the world dedicated to the goddess. The surprising thing would be learning how to go about worshipping Eostre in one of her temples.

Eostre's temples are places of dance, and joyful music that swells throughout the entire building. People breaking out into spontaneous song is not unheard of, and families come to the grounds for church sponsored picnics, shows and games. The sense of community permeating worshippers of Eostre runs deeply, indeed.

Eostre is, of course, also the goddess of fertility and copulation. Think of this; any time a couple makes love, anywhere in the planet, they are worshipping Eostre. She brings joy, peace, and love to every corner of the world. Any time a smitten boy shyly hands someone a flower, Eostre delights! And, her temples reflect this.

Much more remeniscent of a manor house than a temple, the main building of Eostre's House is full of parlors, studies, great halls, and dining rooms. Richly appointed, plastered walls grace the inside of the main building, offset by earth tones and dark stained hardwood floors. Thick carpets cushion the floors in strategic locations, and a pair of restrooms will always be available somewhere on the premisis. Masterful portraits of Eostre and her court of hares hang hither and yon, always within sight. Jewelled eggs, gifted to the church by grateful members, stand on display in well lit niches and perfectly placed nooks. Eostre's temples mean safety, and comfort, and empathy, and love.

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Temple: Eostre
A typical temple devoted to Eostre. Note the lack of usual church trappings; this is by design. It is much more remeniscent of a romantic restaurant, or private club, than a church.

Purpose / Function

These manors are built specifically to honor Eostre, and comfort her followers.

To comfort the afflicted is our joy. To provide succor to the injured is our pleasure. To bring joy to the world is our goal.


Built of stone and plaster, the interiors are richly appointed and floored in hardwood. The ceilings are generally ten feet in height, and the decor is almost always done up in earth tones and subdued colors, which are entirely offset by the pastel colors and bright bunting of festival days.


Places hallowed by Eostre cannot be harmed by evil intent, nor can those sheltered within its walls be harmed, unless the grounds are first desecrated by a rival divine.


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