Gaian Malcephaly

An infection that can be garnered through insect activity, Gaian malcephaly is a very rare bacterial infection that will literally eat the afflicted's brain if not treated properly. Symptomatically, it is identical to another malady brought about by an invasive amoeba that eats brain tissue, Naegleria fowleri, although the biomechanical devices are actually quite different. Gaian Malcephaly, you see, attacks the meninges directly, cutting off the available oxygen and nutrients to those vital areas as it feeds itself.

Transmission & Vectors

Normally carried by waterborn creatures, such as Cliggal Rats or otters, the bateria can affect humanoids just as well as marine mammals. It is, as a general rule, much harder for humanoids to catch the bacteria, but it can happen to those with weakened immune systems, or exausted constitutions.


It is a cross-species bacterial infection.


First, a daze and a high fever set in. The confusion and infection will cause irrational behaviors. Then, the victim begins bleeding from the ears as the bacteria consumes its host, liquefying the hosts organs, brain first. Wild personality swings are not uncommon in people who have newly contracted the disease.


Antibiotics might help, but a Cleric's intervention, with a Lesser Restoration spell, is absolutely vital to the survival of the infected host.

Affected Groups

This infection is mainly the problem of those with already compromised immune systems.

Hosts and Carriers

The Cliggal Rats that can carry the disease are not in the least bit affected by it. They spread it through their prolific excretions and spoor, which can get into even the cleanest running water if there is a large den of the little critters around, somewhere close-by.


This ailment has been around for longer than anyone can remember; entire industries have grown up around it. Some healers will join the ranks of the Craysilt Peace Corps to help ease the suffering of those inflicted with it.


Unless Lesser Restoration is cast upon the host within twenty four hours of contracting the disease, the prognosis is almost certainly death.


Contracting this bacterial infection is an almost certain death sentence, unless the victim were to find an available Healer with Lesser or Greater Restoration.


As uncommon as this infection is naturally, it is even easier to prevent infections by clean living and a healthy diet. Infections generally occur in an already weakened bodily system.


This infection is very rare, and generally only affects people with already compromised immune systems. That being said, enough exposure to anything will eventually cause a problem, so it should be avoided if at all possible.

Cultural Reception

People with this rare affliction are generally regarded with a deep sense of pity; even the Pinners will help, if they can.


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