Nyril Swiftfall

Nyril Swiftfall

Nyril Swiftall is a mostly cheerful, curious gnome, who enjoys pursuing things that are intriguing or mysterious. She is inquisitive and loves the art of fighting, specializing in use of the glaive and training to be a rune knight.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nyril is slender but incredibly muscular, a strong physique from years of honing her skills and training.

Body Features

Aside from being a gnome, which doesn't fucking exist, nothing about her body features stand out.

Facial Features

Nyril has brown eyes and slightly tan skin.

Identifying Characteristics

Green hair, that is surprisingly, not dyed.

Physical quirks

She's a really, really short human. Like how does a grownup stay THAT short? Really. It just doesn't make sense.

Apparel & Accessories

Studded leather armour and a large, specially designed glaive. Inlaid throughout the entirety of the pole is a glowing green intricate gnomish design -- it looks magical, and one could say it was since the glowing is an enchantment, but it currently doesn't do anything beyond looking really fucking cool.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nyril Swiftall grew up in the city of Greynor, alongside her parents and older siblings. She was always under someone's watchful eye, and though an excellent student with an even stronger aptitude for the martial skills, she was constantly failing to measure up to someone's standards.   After graduating from the local college, Nyril joined the city guard and began her training. After a couple of years of hoping her family would recognize her adulthood and leave her to live her own life, she realized the constant meddling (such as attempting to set her up with other single gnomes) would never end as long as she was nearby. So she put in for a transfer and had herself shipped to the most isolated place she could think of -- a frontier settlement called Hammingburg.   Nyril was under no illusions Hammingburg would be riveting, but she was surprised to find out just how dull life in the town could be for a city dweller like herself. Of course, there was the comedic side of being a gnome in an all-human city (there's no such thing as gnomes!), but she found being a guard here was mostly... lip service.   Even when things did go awry, or when something truly bad happened, the guard captains often came up with very poor excuses as to why it wasn't worth following up on. Nyril found herself taking matters into her own hands and investigating and bringing issues to justice. The reflected greatly on city leadership, but did not go over well with her captains, and she found herself in a lot of hot water.   Then one day, an opportunity arose to take a job transporting goods, which was how she found herself boarding a boat in Craysilt with a bunch of strangers.

Gender Identity





College, mostly in literature, physical fitness, and martial fighting, as well as training from the city guard.


City Guard in Greynor, Hammingburg, currently on a contract leavng from Craysilt.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully moving away from a meddling family.

Failures & Embarrassments

Never ask Nyril about the time she showed up at home and her parents had invited their entire extended family over for a dinner in which they brought a possible suitor to her home, expecting an immediate engagement.

Mental Trauma

Aside from the mental trauma that accompanies having older siblings and meddling parents, none.

Morality & Philosophy

Strong code of morals, but is willing to get a little bit dirty when needed.

Nyril is a Rune Knight and city guard turned adventurer.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good/Neutral
Dark Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tan
3' 5"
35 pounds
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish


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