
In every climate, on every continent, and integral to every environment on Tellus is the humble Rilworm. Wriggling their way into any survivable situation or scenario, these clever creatures make themselves so useful in so many ways that they are mainly allowed to "live and let live". Rilworms produce silk that is strong, antibacterial, and antifungal. It is easily harvested, easily worked, and easily woven, although difficult to dye. Unprocessed rilworm silk is where the Llank-Ryu monks uniforms get their distinctive blue coloration. It has a tensile strength approaching seven hundred MPa.

Basic Information


These invertebrates can grow up to two inches long before they metamorphosize into moths. Their coloration can range from muted pastel blues, to brilliant turquois and purples.

They have no legs as larvae; their segmented bodies undulate forward using circular and longitudinal muscles in a process known as peristaltic locomotion. Curiously, they have an open circulatory system, and two sets of spinnerets on their "tail" end.

Biological Traits

Rilworms are remarkable creatures, with some very interesting survival mechanisms that tend to benefit humanoids. Their silk, for instance, has an incredible tensile strength, and is eminently workable.

Rilworms have a strange quality that has been used to harvest their silk and other byproducts; their biological cycle slows down markedly when they are submerged in alcohol. The substance that their skin exudes when they are stressed infuses the liquor with an almond-like bouquet and a slightly hallucinogenic property, and the liquor keeps the rilworms alive and in larval "worm form", until they are ingested.


Biological Defenses

When stressed, rilworms release a toxic compound through their skin that causes hallucinations, fever, and tachycardia. The poison is enough to kill insects and discourage parasites, while their coloration and smell deter most mammals, though their purported good taste leads ursine creatures to cherish them despite the hallucinations. Reptiles will eat rilworms and find themselves in very dangerous situations as they hallucinate, just before their hearts explode. Taishando Lizardfolk view them as a delicacy, however; their much larger bodies are able to withstand ingesting more of the rilworm toxin.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rilworms can reproduce in a couple of different ways. They will simply grow a new head, or tail, if they are split into roughly equal parts. Or, in a more traditional method wherein a male inseminates a female. Additionally, a male or a female can spontaneously become hermaphroditic and inseminate themselves, much like Seinner Frogs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rilworms can take up to six months to grow to full size, producing silk the entire time in order to build shelter, and foil enemies. Once they mature, they have another three months before they form a crysalis and metamorphosize into moths.

Ecology and Habitats

They seem to be able to adapt to any habitat on the planet, somehow. They are found in every known environment.

Additional Information


Rilworms have been farmed for their silk, and to make dharak and pearl jam, for more than a thousand years.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Rilworms have been used in everything from hair tonic to cocktails, and are still used to produce both dharak and pearl jam to this day. Their silk is treasured the world around, and Taishando Lizardfolk eat them as a delicacy.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Rilworms are so incredibly adaptable that they exist in every climate and environment on Tellus.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Researchers at the World Famous Bardic College have recently discovered the neuron that senses Tellus' magnetic field, allowing the rilworm to orient itself even while it is underground.


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