The Galbrok Tamarind

There are trees the globe around, of course. Primeval coniferous forests splay themselves across Pax's landmass like some variegate garment. Evergreens accentuate the curvaceous foothills of the mountain ranges, as if they have some interminable agreement with nature. The neverending cycle of photosynthesis subtly powers all of Tellus, our green cohabitants demurely doing their best to grow and enrich our soil and, ultimately, our bodies. They are meant to give life! To provide sustenance and shade, and a million other little things we hardly ever even think about, yet enrich us every single day.
  So, when the The Necrodruid began to use his druidic influence on an innocent tamarind tree that he'd had delivered to him mid summer, and at great expense, it was not seen as an...omen of things to come. Six of the caravan's horses were lost while fording the mighty Lake Wutjorn's estuaries, along with all their gear. Their riders, also, but these were an afterthought to the Necrodruid. It was a tragic loss of resources, but absolutely worth it to the Necrodruid, who immediately began to...change...the tree. In essence, to grow it to a massive size, with giant pods and a shallow but extensive root system. But he was not done with the poor tree.
  He gradually reversed the tree's flow of energy. The giant pods, with rinds twisted and stretched by the The Necrodruid's tortures and fel machinations, began to resemble papery egg sacs. Seed pods became translucent, papery-leather shells, full of a viscous digestive fluid that slowly ingests living organic material, providing life to its prey even as it consumes them. Some of the human prey remain awake during this process, becoming quite mad over time.
Why, you ask? Well, because he can use the siphoned-off life. He is using humans (the tree was built to use humans for peak efficiency) to grow his fungus minions and mycocelium forests. He has learned to use life to power undeath And the secret to it all?   The Galbrok Tamarind.   There are one hundred forty-four of these abominations, which each holds up to one hundred fourty-four victims. When all of the trees are functional, he has absolute control over his lair and its surroundings, via the mycocelium network that stretches throughout his entire demesne, and the bastardized Nanite technology given him by Shayna, the devil-dragon.

Basic Information


see above.

Biological Traits

At up to one hundred fourty-four feet tall, these aren't the biggest trees in the world, but the massive girth of their trunk and layered branchings is indeed massive. They need to be, to support the clusters of papery sacs containing live humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

They do not reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

They do not regrow, they have to be cloned. By Galbrok.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in twelve caverns dug out of the The Bone Mountains by human slaves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They need organic material, preferably live human beings, to ingest and survive.

Biological Cycle

They live, in torment, until Galbrok allows them to die.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are used, specifically and primarily, to power Galbrok's lair and creations.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are only found within twelve sunless caverns scooped out of the The Bone Mountains.

Average Intelligence

They are to be treated as Awakened Trees

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The trees are quite capable of perceiving their surroundings and reacting to them in subtle ways.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Lunar moths have come to live upon their surface, unbeknownst to the Necrodruid. This is Selune's blessing upon the poor trees, which have been twisted and corrupted to Galbrok's will.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They have no real names to other beings, but privately they crave individuality.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They can speak telepathically to any creature; a byproduct of having absorbed so many memories and languages.   They do not usually do so, however.
Scientific Name
Tamarindus Indica-Galbrokius
The Necrodruid. There are 144
Until Galbrok says so.
Average Height
Average Weight
A whoooooole lot
Average Length
They are quite wide, with a layered canopy that extends as far outward as the tree is tall.
Average Physique
Quite tree like.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are dark grey to black; with brown, veiny, papery pod clusters full of (and dripping) a foul smelling, viscous material and partially digested human being. These sacs are often tied round with rope by Galbrok's kobold slaves to aid the tree in digestion.
Geographic Distribution

Galbrok Tamarind

Huge plant, unaligned
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 59 ( 15d12+14 )
Speed 20ft

25 +7
6 -2
15 +2
10 0
6 -2
16 +3

Saving Throws Str, Con
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Damage Immunities necrotic
Condition Immunities dazed, grappled, restrained, charmed, frightened, prone
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages All (natural psionic ability, telepathically)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

False Appearance. While the tree remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ( 3d6+4 ) bludgeoning damage.


An awakened tree is an ordinary tree given sentience through the awaken spell or similar magic.


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