The New Moon

On the Day of Death the new moon will rise,
and bring with it the storms and rising tides
of change, and growth, and new from old
brought to us by the new moon in the sky

All that we know of, and all the we've known
all that we've built and all that's been grown
our house of cards will fall and fold
on the day the new moon itself is shown

Prepare for the worst, and yet hope for the best
keep your hearts light, open to quip and gest
change shall come, and now youve been told
the world, as you'll know, will be at an end

When the new moon rises, so endeth it all.
Please Note: This Secret would normally only be visible to Tellus' GMs
The Moons of Tellus


Some day, a new moon will appear in the sky. When that happenes, everything will change. The whole world, as known to the Gnomes, will end.

Historical Basis

This was a prophecy known as folklore to the population of Tellus prior to the arrival of the Pleiades Arks, and the terraformation process that ended their entire world.   In a very real sense, their prophecy came true. When the terraformation process started, it changed the most basic building blocks of life on Tellus from silicon based, to carbon based, erasing the life that was on the planet prior to the arrival of the refugees, who (of course) knew nothing about them.


It was the most well known fable amongst the Gnomes of pre-terraformed Tellus. In fact, the phrase "When the new moon rises, so endeth it all" survives to this very day within innumerable pieces of art and literature.

This article has no secrets.


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Aug 4, 2024 22:06 by Salmon Man

Great article! How is this phenomenon shown within art?

Aug 4, 2024 22:38 by Harlen Ogni

The "new moon" motif is expressed in art throughout Tellus, as either the subject of a painting or poem, for example, or as a witness to any number of nefarious late night doings in song. Many bad decisions have been blamed on the influence of the New Moon Rising. Thanks for asking! :-)

Aug 20, 2024 07:08 by Lia Felis

Nice work! Thank you!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.