The Scourge Military Conflict in Tellus | World Anvil

The Scourge

In the years of the Great Flood, there was famine along the southwest shores of Pax. Farmland had been swallowed whole, fresh water fisheries had been annihilated, and game had been wiped out. Stores of food lay in mouldering ruins. Crops rotted in waterlogged fields. The rains had not stopped for months; something that had never been know to happen before.

Drowned livestock were so prevalent that the putrefying bodies soon spread disease that malnourished bodies could not fight off. Then, the standing water began causing widespread dysentary. A total societal collapse soon followed suit, and before too long, groups of fleeing humans had taken up residence in the island archipelagoes of the southern seas.

These human enclaves had devolved into very tribal affairs, hidden behind fortifications and sheltering in caves, hiding as much from each other as from anyone else. Then, when inevitably the human population expanded, they began to encroach upon the swamps of the displaced Taishando Lizardfolk, and the war was on.

The Lizardfolk never stood a chance. The Humans banded together over the common cause of what they termed 'self-preservation', and with their newly refound cooperative tendencies, quickly built up a military presence in the area. Armed with steel, crossbows, and far superior numbers, the humans drove the Lizardfolk from Teotachetlan with great prejudice.

The Conflict


The weather event leading to southern Pax's Great Flood season of 2159NG also impacted the southern isles with winds and excessive rain, but the Taishando Lizardfolk living in Teotachetlan did not have to deal with the devastation that the peoples of the lower continent did.


The humans brought in experts from the continent to arm and organize militias, at first to ostensibly 'serve and protect' the populace, but it quickly became apparent that they were also there to expand and maintain the borders of the human territories. Invading the swamps with military precision, the human militias waged a genocidal war of attrition that soon reduced the Lizardfolk population by almost half, and drove the rest away.

Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Lizardfolk were driven from the islands.
Taishando Lizardfolk
Ethnicity | Jul 4, 2024

Dance like someone's watching...

Teotachetlan Isle
The original, this is the place where The Tolmec Empire took root, grew, and bore fruit, before disappearing utterly sometime in 4541NG. It is one of the greatest mysteries of the The Warmwind Sea.


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