World Codex


  • Rhegev: Tûrguth Vox
    The central park and flanking throne room and speaking platform that each of the OTC compounds have.
  • Birkwud: Cunam Hahn Hive: Bae Map
    The first level underground of a Cunam Hahn hive.
  • Hammingburg: Hamish's Crypts
  • Teotachetlan Servants Quarters
  • Cunam Hahn Hive Village
    A collection of ice and snow based construction built into the insular surrounding ground, the Hahn work in groups of six drones to a worker, and nowhere is that more reflected than in one of these forward villages. There is no queen present here, as is obvious by the lack of even the simplest ice palace.   The hive lives simply and goes about its work mostly silently, communicating telepathically as they go about their day and business. They work very hard, and are aggressive to strangers.