
The primal concepts of Teln: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Movement, Light, and Dark. These, and their interactions, make up the basis for the Teln pantheons. Some of the Asti, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, are acknowledged by all. These Asti are sometimes called the Elements. Movement, Light, and Dark, are debated by religious scholars, and different religions have different pantheons depending on which Asti and Astini they recognize.    The elements, are all sentient, but have little interest in the squabbling of mortals. They prefer to focus on the grand play of their sphere, marveling in their own grandeur. The only time they did turn their attention to the mortals was when the former Emperor attempted to elevate himself into godhood. During this attempt, the elements forged a weapon with which to strike the emperor, and in turn the old imperial capitol, down from the planet. When they were done, they discarded the weapon, the Hammer of the Gods, into a sparsely inhabited mesa on the eastern continent.   Movement, Light, and Dark are not sentient, but can be brought into sentience through great effort. The Wizards of Speed, and later the Southern Nomads, have attempted this with Movement (Vruul). They failed both times, but this has not deterred them.   Light and Dark, while abundant, directly oppose each other. Their interaction keeps both dormant, but if one were to significantly outweigh the other in the physical realm, it could create a cascading effect which would quickly plunge the world into one of two, very terrible realities.