
Capitol of the Southern Nomads   While many nomads do lead quasi nomadic lifestyles, they have several large permanent cities equipped with pop-up receptacles for any visiting nomads. During festival season, the capital city of Jokuul can swell to dwarf even the largest 9 families cities, shrinking back to a sleepy town after the season ends.


There are a large series of ditches surrounding Jokuul. While they do serve a practical defense, mostly against wild creatures, they have a larger spiritual significance. The ditches themselves form the sigil of the people around the city.


Many nomads from outlying regions of their principality travel to Jokuul for the festival of communion.


Hides are a significant factor in decoration, but their practical use has long since been phased out. The permanent buildings are made of large-cut limestone stacked into wide yet short structures. The tallest building in town is the runner headquarters, standing at a full 3 stories.


Rolling hills and plains. little to no timber can be found near Jokuul.

Natural Resources

Large grazing fields, fantastic for herding and maintaining cattle and horses. The grass and weeds that grow around Jokuul are especially nutritious for the Southern Nomad mounts, giving them their excellent speed and endurance. Large shipments of this grain are sent out frequently to runner outposts to keep the steeds and mares in their prime.
1,000 / 100,000
Owning Organization