The Assembly

The families control land surrounding the basin of ________ and the assembly meets on the small island in the center of the basin. The patriarchs and matriarchs of each family also live on the island in their own enclave. Ostensibly this is to further communication between the families, but it's practical purpose is to give each family leverage over the others in terms of their leaders.   The enclaves are guarded by the only "national" military, the Blue Guard. They swear allegiance to no house and are accepted at birth so that they have no house sensibilities. While the Blue Guard has immense power over the families in that they watch over each leader, they are so small as to be able to be wiped out by the military of any individual family.   The Assembly itself is a relatively small village on the island of the same name. It has a walled keep that is mainly one tower with some surrounding walls. The rest of the village is made up of the 9 enclaves that support each leader of the families. There are also a few "national" buildings which house and support the Blue Guard, but these are relatively few.


The enclaves are very wealthy, and give significant support to the Blue Guard, so there aren't a lot of "class" discrepancies. The Blue Guard is purposefully multi-family, multi-cultural, and multi-race.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
No real Demonym
Owning Organization