The cult of movement

The cult of movement is a subset of nomadic thought that dominates nomad religious. While there are divergent schools of thought, especially in the government, the vast majority of nomads belong to the cult.

Mythology & Lore

While there are secular histories of the Wizards of Speed, they are quite boring. Myths of the Wizards on the other hand are numerous and colorful.   One of the most popular revolves around the 3 sects of wizards that many consider to be the progenitors of the departments in the current nomad structure.   There are also several myths regarding the storms, and the apparent failure of the departments of life and shielding to eradicate the storms. In fact, there is a growing movement that claims that the storms are facets of Vruull, and stopping their progress in inherently sacrilegious.   General Nomadic Beliefs ^ ------------- Cult specific

Divine Origins

The religion was developed by the descendants of the Wizards of Speed. It revolves heavily around the creation and use of the land runes that were found by the Wizards in the southern wastes. The cult is by far the most proficient in land rune creation.

Cosmological Views

The cult of movement believes that the world, and creation outside of the world is an embodiment of momentum. Essentially they believe in the opposite of entropy. They believe that were something exists it will inevitably move forward and progress, so the creation of existence isn't necessarily special in any way. It was inevitable.   They see the people of the world as actually inherently detrimental to this progress, since man-made structures are so much more fragile (on the whole) than the robust nature that surrounds them. They see human walls as more fragile, more likely to break down, than stone, bridges more likely to fall than the trees they were made from.

Tenets of Faith

Movement adds upon itself.   Movement never ends.   Movement is life.


In general, there are no distinct leaders. However, people value the opinions and insights of the runemakers when it comes to matters of Vruull.
Religious, Sect
Permeated Organizations