Yellow Clay

Describe a rare organic material and what it's used for in your world.   Yellow Clay is harvested from a large section of swamplands. While it is rare, and the swamplands are quite unpleasant, it is incredibly resilient once fired in a kiln, even rivaling some metals. This makes it heavily sought after since yellow clay armor is lighter than any metal armor and just as durable.


Material Characteristics

In it's natural state it is a slightly crumbly yellow dirt. Once it is wetted in has a bit more cohesion and can be shaped by a craftsman. Once it is shaped it can be fired in a kiln. During this process, it hardens, growing a more deep and dark yellow with lines of orange spider webbing throughout.

Geology & Geography

Swamplands in a particular region. It is one of the things that ostensibly gives the land's owner nation clout

History & Usage


Originally thought to be nothing of great importance, once it's toughness was discovered it raised the importance and richness of the nation-state that owned it significantly.


This is lost to time. The ruling family obviously claims it was one of their ancestors, but this is widely regarded as simple propaganda and not taken particularly seriously

Everyday use

Armor and or durable travel supplies like plates and dishware

Cultural Significance and Usage

It is related to the nation state that owns it   I want to do more with this, but I'm not sure yet

Industrial Use

Yeah, it's molded

Manufacturing & Products

Pottery and ceramic armor/gear

Reusability & Recycling

If a piece of yellow clay ceramic is broken, it shatters, leaving behind fragments as sharp as glass.
High, but not too high
Fairly rare, but not necessarily enough to go to war over
No smell
Pale green-ish yellow.
Common State