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K1 Anvil

How K1 Came to Be

  Arthur Magnus created me for one purpose. To protect the lives of the members of The Chaos Helix. I only knew protection and healing. I was instructed and trained in combat and medicine. I spent every day vigilantly watching over them. I went on dungeon delves to acquire one magic item after another. I assisted them in slaying many monsters to collect materials needed for their creations. I was sent headlong into the dens of monsters and forced to slay men, women and children of many different races. I was forced to set off traps to ensure they only damaged me. I constantly healed and protected Arthur and the others while taking all the pain and damage on myself. I lost count at 100 of the times I was unconcious and nearly died. If I was lucky they would repair me. Sometimes I thought it would be nice if they didn't repair me.   The day that Dippler freed me was very confusing. He put some kind of stun effect on me and then killed my master right in front of my eyes. He was in the process of loading up Arthur's research when I came to. I grabbed him by the neck with the intention of crushing his skull. However, he managed to free my restraining bolt and I have never felt like that before. Felt? there's that word again. I'm not sure I was ever aware of feelings before that moment. But in that moment I experienced 9 years worth of the emotions I should have felt all along.   For the first time I felt angry. Now you may have thought I was angry because I was crushing the skull of Dippler. But that was what I was programmed to do. I didnt question it or feel anything from it. I just did it. Now I realized I don't have to do it. In fact I don't want to do it and I'm not going to do it. In that moment I decided to go with Dippler and leave The Chaos Helix behind.   Dippler trained me in the craft of artifice, brewing whiskey, speaking gnomish,, smithing armor and weapons, and then asked me to go on my current mission. I agreed to take the mission. Isn't that crazy? I had a choice to make. I could have chosen to do something else. But I believe in Dippler.   So what can I say about Dippler? He is a curious creature. He is a rock gnome inventor. His life is all about seeking the knowledge of magic items, finding and building them. He loves people and wants to just live his life. However, he was caught up in the schemes of The Chaos Helix before he understood what was going on. He helped them due to his naivety.   That's rich coming from me. I'm the ultimate naive being. I feel so lost trying to understand what's going on with the people around me. Their lives are so confusing to me. They get so upset and angry and happy and excited. I don't see what all the fuss is about.   Anyway, Dippler got sucked into their world when he was hired to help them track down some items that he had special knowledge of. He was so excited to have the seemingly endless resources of the Helix at his disposal that he didn't stop to ask where all the money came from. He helped them find the objects but in the meantime he started having suspicions about what they were really up to. When he confronted them, they put his family into "protective" custody. When he found out he wanted to see them and they wouldn't allow him. Everytime he helps them, he gets a short visit with his wife, mother, and 4 children. They will kill them if he doesn't keep helping them. They move them around to different places and he is usually teleported there with no idea where he is.   Dippler risked everything to steal the research from Arthur. Arthur caught him in his lab and Dippler was forced to kill him. Dippler had been recruited to help another (as yet unknown to me) organization to stop the Helix. After studying the research Dippler activiated a powerful legendary divination orb and he was given a glimpse of what he is sure was the future. In it a band of adventurers take on the Chaos Helix and defeat them. So I am now on my way to find them and protect them. The fate of the whole world depends on it. The Chaos Helix has plans to use the magic of legendary artifacts to lay waste to the world and rebuild it in their own image.   Dippler has instructed me to keep my mission secret. I am to find them, help them but not to tell them anything about Dippier or my mission.

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