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Session 10 Report, March 8 2022

General Summary

  • The party started in the Xanathar Hideout, sleeping quarters with two drunk and asleep goblins
  • Tiffany then picked the lock of the door into the next room, where they were hearing voices
  • Once Anvil entered the room, the party was met with two individuals, a human and a duergar dwarf who began asking who you are and what are you doing here
  • The two individuals had stacked furniture against another door and were using rags to plug holes underneath the door trying to keep a gray ooze from seeping out
  • The dwarf not wanting to dealing with the “intruders”, hit Anvil with a spiked hammer, did some damage and the battle was on
  • During the close quarters fight, the dwarf enlarged himself and then Rysar casted enlarge on Anvil
  • Rysar missed with one of his attacks, burning hands, and set the door and furniture on fire
  • Lyssandra and Tiffany both struck the dwarf attacks of their own, eventually the dwarf dropped and was dead
  • After the fight the party killed the gray ooze after discovering that it was resistant to acid, fire and cold damage
  • The other individual, Krentz who panicked and was backed into a corner, was grabbed by Anvil and when he did, Anvil saw he was wearing a certain symbol
  • Krentz was forced into the next door leading into the hallway and stated that the guild was questioning someone in the interrogation chamber
  • Lyssandra took the necklace and symbol and put it on herself… in exchange for letting him go (Krentz was wanting out of the guild anyway)
  • He reluctantly gave her the necklace and before he left, Anvil questioned him who gave him that symbol, Krentz stated that he had helped a rock gnome from long ago procure some parts, he was building something, but the gnome never did give him his name
  • The party gathered a number of strange and unique items from the gray ooze
  • The session ended in the hallway leading into the interrogation chamber where Floon is currently being interrogated, (the thugs thinking they are questioning Renaer)
  • The party also learned/heard an orcish figure doing the interrogation and that Nihiloor (a boss of the Xanathar guild, is a Mind Flayer and is also in the interrogation chamber)
Report Date
08 Mar 2022

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