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Session 11 Report, March 25 2022

General Summary

  • The party continued pressing forward down the hallway toward the shouts and screams heard in the interrogation chamber
  • Anvil led the way in the interrogation chamber not pausing or stopping… 2 guards posted by the entrance attempted strikes as the characters entered
  • A fight ensued with the guards and a Half-Orc who was interrogating Renaer/Floon
  • As the party entered and began to battle, Lyssandra heard in her head a deep voice, “Welcome, didn’t know we had guests… sorry I can’t stay, but I’ve got other matters to attend to.” Other characters heard gibberish in their head
  • That creature that telepathically talked was at the far end of the chamber, Nihiloor was his name… he was holding a brain with four stout, short legs and claws… Nihiloor was a Mind Flayer
  • As soon as the characters entered and fighting began, Nihiloor drifted to a side chamber and vanished…. Due to the fighting and commotion no one saw how he exited
  • The guards and the half-orc, along with the brain on legs, were quickly dispatched and Heinrich helped to heal Floon who had a single HP when the characters arrived
  • Several memorable moments were made by all party members during the fight
  • Aftwards, the party grabbed Floon, made quick introductions and made their way out of the almost empty hideout… for Krentz had slipped off into a side room and was forgotten about
  • The party eventually made their way back to the Yawning Portal, where a nervous Volo was waiting
  • Upon seeing Floon and the party, Volo jumped up and ran to them all, elated and joyful
  • Sitting down to drinks, it was learned that Ranaer had given Floon the stone of golorr, to hide it and keep it out of others hands
  • Ranaer, thought the best place to hide something of such significance was to give it to a commoner, someone nobody would suspect to have such an artifact, and so Floon let the party know that he hid the Stone of Golorr in the manor… your new homebase!
  • After Volo, Floon and the party said their goodbyes and thanking the party immensely, Volo and Floon, upon the recommendation of Rysar headed out to the Ulcaster Ruins outside of Beregost to lay low for a while
  • The party then made their way to the North District where Trollskull Alley is located, a blue collar, somewhat rundown area of town where the most grandiose building stands, Trollskull Manor
  • After discovering how, “not lived in for quite some time” the place was, Rysar began smashing windows, counting things, straightening other items, rearranging things…
  • There is also a ghost,specter that resides in the taproom of the manor, whose name is Ninc, she was a barmaid and that is the thing she does and continues to do
  • While this went on the search for the Stone of Golorr was on, in the attic where eventually the stone was discovered where Floon said he had hidden it next to the chimney
  • After a bit of discussion, it was decided that Anvil would attune to the stone and see what could be discovered
  • After attuning to it, the greenish Stone opened it’s 3 eyes, each independently looking, observing and welcoming a thirst for knowledge
  • Anvil communicated with the stone telepathically and learned that it has 3 charges that can be used to ask it 3 questions that you’d like answers to… if the stone doesn’t know something it’s answer might be vague
  • Anvil and the party learned from the stone that there is indeed a cache of dragons, it is hidden far underneath Xanathars Lair and that 3 keys are needed to enter and that those 3 keys change daily.
  • After being attuned for a while, Anvil discovered he had gained a minor benefit and had gained a detrimental benefit… losing 20 pounds.
  • Finally, Rysar suggested that the next morning he would make breakfast for everyone and would like to sit, eat and discover who each of you are, learn of your stories and generally get to know you all better.
Report Date
25 Mar 2022
(in-person, Ryan, Jonathan, Chris)

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