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Session 14 Report, Kolat Towers

General Summary

Session 14, June 3, 2022  
  • Tahira attunes to the Stone of Golorr and it asks here for something to know about herself… she states that she loves animals and pets… and that you’re my pet.
  • Pennie is making cookies and is asked by Lyssandra if she can take some cookies to the neighbors
  • The party wakes and preps for the walk to the city of the dead cemetery and Kolat Towers.
  • Tahira ties a string around Golorr and drags him through the streets like a pet on a leash.
  • Entering the City of the Dead just before sunset the party searches for the Kolat towers and Lyssandra pulls some flowers from another mausoleum. A small girl sees her and tries to get her mothers attention but the lady doesn’t pay any attention to the girl.
  • Lyssandra then offers her a flower and the girl accepts it and goes back to her mother.
  • Finding the towers just before sun set, the party meets Willis the old groundskeeper as he is shoveling dead birds into a bucket…. The birds have flown into the force field that surrounds the towers
  • As the party discusses with Willis, Tiffany quickly and quietly puts one of Willis’s shovels into the bag of holding
  • Knowing that the ground is soft and easy to dig in, the party goes to wait until it’s completely dark and wonders near the Brandith family mausoleum… upon approaching they hear a low, bassy growl, apparently coming from one of the large trees near the mausoleum
  • Lyssandra remembers that the Renaer’s father married into the rich aristocratic family, the Brandith’s and that is where Renaer’s mother is from.
  • Lyssandra throws a couple of rocks, one at the mausoleum and one at the tree, the one that hit’s the tree causes anything low growl
  • Deciding to leave the mausoleum alone, a couple of city watch notice the party and ask them politely to please leave, the park is closed and begin to escort them out of the park
  • Arriving at the exit, the two city watch begin discussing a small bribe to let them stay in the park… the party offers a couple of items and some gold and the watch let them re-enter
  • Lyssandra makes and INT check to remember the city watch’s faces of the two guards
  • After returning to Kolat Towers, Agkistrodon begins digging as Anvil and Tiffany take watch
  • After an ehancability spell and about 30 minutes, Ag tunnel underneath the force field and just barely made it past the wall, to the inside of the complex.
  • Tiffany picked the lock on the door that entered into the storage room, where upon entering crates were searched and some dried meats were procured
  • The next room, a dinning room, set with silverware, sounds are heard next door which sounds like someone is cooking
  • After wildshaping into a moth and squeezing through a crack in the door, Tahira meets Manafret, a portly halfling preparing a meal for guests, which he assumes she is one of
  • After a short conversation, the party ventures up the stairs from the kitchen and enters the reading room, where a burly half-orc sits reading a signed copy of Volo’s guide to monsters
  • After some conversation and Yorn telling the party about Manshoon being in his interdimensional sanctum, where Yorn has never been, they make their way through a couple of doors
  • One door leads to an apprentice room, where Lyssandra picks some locks and takes some items from within… looks like wizard apprentice supplies
  • Ag and Anvil walk through another door, taking them to a ledge and landing, with a winding staircase down into another room… they also notice the two chests that sit on a ledge about 10 ft from the landing.
  • After a short time, they along with Tahira, go down the steps into a musty library filled with books on two large shelves, which include alcoves above the shelves and 4 stone gargoyles menacingly facing the characters
  • We ended the session there and plan to play again, Friday June 24th
Report Date
04 Jun 2022
(in-person, Chris, Ryan, Tori, Shea, Angie)

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