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Session 2 Report, Ulcaster Ruins

General Summary

Session 2, June 22 2021  
  • Party awoke from the Morning Lords Rest, gathered themselves and made their way out
  • Nancy Finn met the party in the street and pleaded with Nestolis to please find Ryce, her love
  • The party debated about whether to purchase an item or two and decided to make their way east to the ruins
  • After an hour and a half of travel the party came upon two shephards tending their flock, they had a short discussion and then continued on their way
  • While walking, Nestolis and Rysar had a discussion about Lady Strange and if she was safe to trust… Nestolis pointed out that her father trusts Lady Strange to hold onto some of his own private collection of artifacts
  • After about four hours of travel they found the ruins
  • Deliberately and cautiously they made their way inside
  • Searching a storage room Penny noticed a loose floor tile, she removed it and found some gems, Zircon and Malachites
  • Tiffany began searching as well and after digging a bit more, together he and Penny found 5 gems with different colors and designs: The gems are in the shape of a small flame, orange gem (fire), snowy crystal, blue gem (cold), lightning flash, white gem (lightning), the sun, yellow gem (radiant) and skull, black gem (necrotic).
  • Nestolis discovered a hidden mechanism that once Chayton reached his hand into, opened a hidden passageway into a room with a large hole in the center of it, with vines growing in from the ceiling above and stretching down into the hole.
  • After peering into the hole, a voice was heard in the heads of Chayton, Nestolis and Rysar, I believe… tempting them to come down the hole, that treasure awaits.
  • Deciding they better not, the group decided to make their way further into the ruins and coming to a chamber with a mural on the wall
  • Nestolis or Rysar then inspected the mural and noticed one of the stars not reflecting in the pool of water below. A light source was brought close and a secret passage was opened
  • Down another corridor with a bend in it, the party proceeded into the library and after noticing some titles of books, a skeleton librarian was also noticed and talked to
  • Some of the books had titles and some did not
  • A few members talked to the skeleton librarian and Nestolis asked if there were any books on pocket orbs, the librarian pointed in a direction
  • Several members then began searching for pocket orb books and found one, that Chayton and Nestolis could read
  • They discovered that pocket orbs are used by the rich as a status symbols and the creatures they hold inside make the pocket orb more valuable, depending upon the uniqueness of the creature
  • Chayton had moved around by the hallway opposite the entrance to the library and…
  • Eventually the party joined Chayton and they made their way down a long hallway and into what looked to be a bed chamber with 2 adamantine doors, one directly across from where they entered and one to the north
  • As they entered the bed chamber, there was an air of electricity, that bristles the skin and gave them all goosebumps
Report Date
23 Jun 2021
(in-person, all)

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