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Session 3 Report, Pyro, Darts and Daggers

General Summary

Session 3, July 17 2021  
  • Party began in the bed chambers of the Ulcaster Ruins
  • Seeing the two adamantine doors—with adamantine hinges as well—one on the north wall, one on the east wall, it was finally decided to check out the one on the east
  • Nestolis felt much stronger electrical energy as she walked by the east door
  • Eventually voices were heard and the gems used to open the door
  • When it was finally opened and the ritual room revealed a satyr was placing the purple orb upon the 20 foot tall central pedestal
  • Lightning energy shot out from the five taller pillars surrounding the central pedestal, knocking Pyro from his perch and beginning the process of opening the pocket orb
  • A creature was released, unfortunately it was not Penelope, Pyro’s love interest, and a battle ensured
  • Mayhem, arrows, darts and daggers, flew over the central pedestal as the party was battling the creature
  • Pyro was awakened and helped come back after being knocked out, by Heinrich
  • The creature cast the darkness spell, where faerie fire was then cast by Henirich so that at least those within the spells diameter could make out shapes, this was later cancelled by a dispel magic spell
  • Eventually, Pyro used his panpipes to charm those within 60 feet and several fell asleep including the creature
  • Other party makes shook awake the ones that had fallen asleep
  • Naito Phraan, who was hiding behind the far pillar was discovered by Nestolis
  • The gems were used to shut down the pillars and the creature was re-absorbed into the purple orb once again
  • A conversation with Pyro was had and an agreement struck to have beers in town and to discuss who is Penelope.
  • Lady Strange gave each adventurer an uncommon item along with 100 gp
  • Players can keep playing their original character or introduce a new character into the next session
  • There is one more day to go before the festival begins and so the party may go shopping and then get drinks

Rewards Granted

Lady Strange gave each adventurer an uncommon item along with 100 gp
Report Date
17 Jul 2021
(in-person, all)

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