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Session 6 Report, November 20 2021

General Summary

  • Party attended opening night of the morning lord festival
  • Myron Borran was the Master of Ceremonies and introduced Lady Strange
  • As soon as pocket orbs where enchanted and creatures released, combat ensued
  • Myron, stepping outside the tent, turned to watch the battle
  • 7 rounds of combat, in which the party was joined by a new character, Lyssandra an Air Genasi, who is trailing Myron
  • The party was also joined by a stone golem sentient statue that helped fight the two creatures
  • Heinrich used his sling and Rysar, I believe caught the tent on fire using a firebolt
  • Pennie puched away at the creatures and Lyssandra used a levitate spell to hoist Pennie above one of the creatures at one point
  • At the conclusion of the combat, in which the party finished off both creatures, nice job Tiffany, with a “How do you want to do this?” moment… they decided to follow Myron to the Misty Woods
  • Lyssandra had her staff of the python follow Myron out of the tent
  • Everyone made it to the Misty Woods easily and Heinrich attempted to use his thorn whip to snare Myron, when it wasn’t successful, he made himself known
  • Questioning Myron, the party discovered that he is after rare artifacts that some of which may be buried underneath the cache of dragons in Waterdeep
  • Myron told the party that he wishes to get his hands on these artifacts before the wretched faction, the Chaos Helix does
  • At hearing that, Anvil immediately picked up Myron who had been underfoot by Heinrich and said we are no longer hurting this man!
  • Lyssandra, was hired by an unknown individual, Sidra, to make sure that Myron makes good on his payment for enchanting the pocket orbs… either he and his payment or his payment returns, were Sidra’s instruction
  • The party decided to travel with Myron in his magical cart and horse and the normal 3 days travel to Waterdeep, only took 1.5 days and the party was awarded with some boons for well earned travel… using their skills and abilities to assist the travel
  • Once arrived in Waterdeep the party was handed the Code Legal, explaining the system of law in Waterdeep and what not to do.
  • The party along with Myron went to the Yawning Portal Inn & Tavern where they were introduced to the proprietor, Durnan
  • The Yawning Portal’s main feature is a 40 ft. diameter well with a hoist and pulley system that can be used to lower adventurers down a 160 ft deep well into the Undermountain dungeon below the city
  • While catching their breath, the party was treated to a fight that broke out a couple of tables over, where Lyssandra knocked them over with a telekinesis push and then more commotion broke out around the pit as a Troll with several Stirges attached to it, crawled out of the well… a cry of TROLL was heard and that’s where we ended the session.
Report Date
20 Nov 2021

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