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Session 7 Report, January 11 2022

General Summary

  • The session started in the Yawning Portal Inn & Tavern with a fight between a Troll and several Stirges (bat/mosquito type creatures)
  • Combat insured… Pennie jumped up on Anvil who charged in towards the Troll
  • Rysar missed with a fire bolt and caught the front door on fire
  • Heinrich vine whipped one of the Stirges and almost pulled it into the fire
  • Durnan (the barkeep/owner) ran to the storage area under the stairs and grabbed a small barrel of lamp oil and tossed it towards Anvil and Pennie… telling them to light that Troll on fire!
  • They both missed catching the barrel but Pennie kept it from dropping into the well
  • A Stirge attached itself to Heinrich and began to drain blood, but Pennie was able to use her Flux knuckles and swiftly remove it by shocking it
  • A Stirge also attached itself to Lyssandra and Heinrich was able to use his sling to hit the Stirge and kill it and then healed Lyssandra
  • Tiffany attacked a nearby Stirge taking it out
  • After 3 or 4 rounds the already blood-drained Troll was no match for Anvils warhammer and upon taking a swift killing blow, the Troll fell back down the well
  • Other patrons who had scattered and ran then helped to bucket water to put out the fire on the front door
  • Durnan told the group, that they could have a free pint of ale for fighting and that he certainly appreciated their help
  • The group was approached by a tall, nicely dressed man who introduced himself as Volothamp Geddarm
  • He asked for their help in finding and returning a friend of his, Floon Blagmaar
  • Volo offered each person 10 gold now and eventually bargaining with Heinrich and Rysar, offered up an historic residence in Waterdeep (can’t remember the district?)
  • The group agreed and while this conversation was taking place, Lyssandra noticed Sydra walking in to collect the payment from Myron.
  • Eventually, Lyssandra, Tiffany Myron and Sydra, moved to another table across the bar and eventually left… the rest of the group unsure about where they were headed
  • Volo finished telling the others where he and Floon where last, two nights ago… at the Skewered Dragon tavern in the Dock Ward… Volo had left before Floon did
  • The group got directions and headed to the Skewered Dragon, where they met a few drunk patrons and got them to open up about if any had seen Volo or Floon in here the other night
  • Pennie and Anvil hung out outside on the porch and did get one patron to say that he and one of his buddies had seen Floon and had also seen Floon (after Volo left) with Lord Raneir Neverember (son of the previous open lord of waterdeep, Dagult Neverember)
  • Floon and Raneir where seen leaving the tavern along with 5 others right behind them
  • One other patron recognized a couple of the guys from a warehouse on Candle lane… he told the group to look for the black winged-snake tattoo above the door handle
  • The party made their way through the night and Dock ward district and to the warehouse
  • Trying to decide how to enter, Anvil walked up to the door and knocked, after which the group heard scurrying and attempts to hide
  • Once the door was broken open by Anvils warhammer, the group was greeted by four Kenku watching the place
  • Heinrich changed into a crow and who’s best friend was a Kenku, was able to discern that these four Kenku where here to keep watch
  • Once the party made their way inside, they noticed tossed furniture, weapon crates, busted and other assundries as well as several dead bodies
  • Upon inspection, several bodies had a black, winged-snake tattoo on them and a few others had a circle with spokes tattoo in the palm of their right hand
  • One of the Kenkus mimicked, “Xanathar sends it’s regards!”
  • Another Kenku attempted to attack Anvils pet construct and backed off with an unsuccessful attack
  • Through all this ruckus and noise making a muffled voice was heard from the back of the warehouse, “help me… is someone there?.... I’m tied up!”
Report Date
11 Jan 2022

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