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Session 8 Reports, January 28 2022

General Summary

  • Opening in the Candle Lane Warehouse, a Zhent hideout, that had been taken over by the Xanathar guild, Lyssandra, Tiffany and Sidra show up
  • A voice was heard from a closet in the back of the warehouse
  • Upon opening the closet and some discussion it was discovered that Renaer Neverember was the one tied up
  • It was also discovered that Floon had been mistaken for Renaer and he had been taken by the Xanathar guild
  • After some discussion, the city watch showed up, receiving a call about a disturbance captain Hyestus Staget noticing and recognizing Renaer became more friendly towards the party
  • The party learned from Renaer about the Stone of Golorr which may indeed know the location of the vault of dragons and the 3 keys needed to get into the vault
  • Eventually the party, led by a couple members of the city watch made their way to a sewer entrance in a back alley
  • The party followed the yellow hand drawn symbols of the Xanathar guild, as mimic’d by the Kenku
  • At each intersection, a symbol was discovered and followed
  • Each character made several CON saves to keep from wretching
  • Coming to a 3 way split and following the tunnel and symbol leading to the left, a type of lesser Beholder was met
  • Before being seen, the Beholder was communicating with Lyssandra who understands Undercommon and Deep Speech
  • After causing confusion to Anvil and Anvil attacking Rysar and a bit of a battle the Beholder left after being severely wounded
  • The real reason the Beholder left was because another more powerful Beholder was closing in
  • It gave chase as several members stumbled their way through the slick sewers
  • Rysar was knocked out as well as Tiffany at one point
  • Rysar had to make several death saves which he was successful
  • After members eventually made their way far enough in the tunnels of the sewers and the Beholder having several of it’s tentacles severed and finding a few rats to syphon blood from, it paused long enough for the party to get away
  • They ended up crawling through a tunnel which became narrower and steeper, trying to keep from sliding down, they found themselves spewed out onto a beach
  • Finding their way into a tavern in the Sea Ward district, they eventually rested
  • Both Tiffany and Lyssandra pickpocketed some drunk NPCs
  • After bathing to remove the grime and stink and sleeping for the night, the party made their way the next morning back to the Yawning Portal
  • After some discussion with Durnan and eventually Sydra and Heinrich wild shaping into a bird to overhear a discussion with some Xanathar guild members, Volo returned hopeful, upbeat that Floon had returned
Report Date
28 Jan 2022

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