Eyon Character in Tempests of Wysteria | World Anvil
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Prince Eyon Jzita Stormheart

Layne:   Sorry you had to find out this way that I'm leaving again this time maybe for quiet a while. Five years, I think. I'll be twelve then-- isn't that crazy? And you'll be thirteen, maybe fourteen. Insane! We can write, tho-- write me lots and lots of letters, and I'll write you back. How cool is it that we can stay in touch, right? I won't write any sappy fare well because we aren't saying fare well! And for now when you find the time please pass this letter to my mother. She's the big one with the sand roses on top. You know better then to peek. I am watching!!
  Dearest Mama:
  It's Eon. I havent wrote to you in a while. I am sorry. It takes very long to write. I take a dictionary and ask many questions to Teacher, but I can't tell her what I want to write. When you get this, I will be in Caom Caome Caomhe Caomh. I know this would not be what you want for me. I'm sorry things didn't work out. I know that you had your own dreams of being a scribe, and you couldn't chase them after having me. I know you hate me. I'm sorry. I really did everything I could to try to make it work. I know you don't think I was worth all it took. Maybe if your son was Layne or like that Melvo boy you always talk about it would work out. But Eon is not them and Eon is stupid and dumb and can't pass History. I have done all I can but I can't fix it. I'm not good enough at those things to be here.   But... I think I have found something to chase after that is better for me. No one wants me here but they want me there in Caomh. I know what it's like now to want to chase my dream. If it flew away I would feel like dying too. I hope you can understand and forgive me this and I will forgive you too. I know you named me hoping that there will be a silver line or however it goes, but then you could just name me Silver Line.   I'm sorry I exist. I'm sorry I couldent be your dream. But I hope where ever you are now you can know why I am leaving. And I hope you can be happy for Eon if not for your son.  
Love from across the shore,
  P.S. Layne if you're reading this you're a stupid idiot! You were supposed to burn this for my Mother. But if you're here anyways don't tell me!! I will be embarrass. Just pretend you dident read it.
- A letter with a note stuck to it, carefully hidden in a little hut amongst a golden field of corn where the sun always shines

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is said or known about this free spirit, though it's generally understood that there's not much to know, anyways. It's no secret that he's neither the strongest, brightest, nor most ambitious over the princes; in fact, it's rather surprising that, within such a talented generation of princes, such a boy could break through the crowd-- but it's somewhat a coincidence, too.   Born Eon to the late scribe candidate Uxyl Jzita, whose aunt-- scribe Tihil Jzita, in an attempt to remove the threat of usurpation, signed over to Lester Crowned. Uxyl was said to be a distressed and hysterical woman and attempted to terminate the pregnancy many times, but it's said that a prophetic dream told her of the great love she shall receive from her son and the great things he will accomplish, and she decided to have the child. She writes in her journal that she was a "scorned, loveless woman", and that she wished for a son who would "love, respect, and avenge" her. Shortly after the birth of her son, Uxyl grew quite ill; shortly after, Tihil passed away of mysterious circumstances. It's widely speculated that Tihil was murdered.   Perhaps due to his rocky start, Eon arrived in the world prematurely and required extensive medical care to survive. He learned to walk and speak slower than most of his peers, and rarely expressed appropriate emotions. Just a few years after his birth, however, Uxyl passed away as well; the officially declared cause of death was her illness, but many theorize that it was yet again a murder, or perhaps the vengeful soul of Tihil, or more grimly, suicide. Regardless, from that point on, information on Eon's childhood was scarce until he began attending the Fierdowne School for Proper Boys. There, he made quite a few friends, and earned his reputation as a carefree, forgiving soul, with a constant toothy smile his tutors described as "sweet but concerning, as it betrays a certain stupidity unbefitting of a prince". Before long, he fell behind in his classes and incurred a few disciplinary warnings, and within the year was forced to withdraw.   From there, his family, citing Uxyl's prophetic dream, sent him on a lonely pilgrimage to Caomh. Eon seemed to accept it rather readily; and, returning after half a year abroad, he stayed for only two months before he declared that he shall be returning to Caomh to join the Hunt in service of the god of Nature. Whispers were abound in court, but, somewhat surprisingly for the public, his family supported his choice and allowed him to leave. Perhaps they had a lot of faith that he would be built into a competitive prince in a unique environment.   Regardless, their gamble seems to have paid off, as five years later, when Eon returned to Stormfell to celebrate the 90th birthday of the re-instated scribe Rishat Jzita, he performed such astonishing feats during the entertainment games that he impressed the audience. Rumored to be in attendance was Lester Crowned, as almost immediately after Eon split three arrows down the middle one after another on the 300-feet bullseye the Council of the Crowned declared that Eon shall be named the third member of the Panthora Minora and should head to the Capital immediately.   What ensued was a rather well-covered event in media, first of such cases in his admittedly mostly undocumented childhood, as Eon attempted to escape during this trip. According to the Jzitas afterwards, the sudden gift was surely unexpected for him and the family at large, and intimidated the boy. Of course, political analysts believe that the Jzitas played a long game by allowing Eon to go study with the Hunt, and had fully intended to push Eon's skills with a bow to the forefront. Regardless of what ultimately was reality, the rattled Eon was shipped off to the capital, and after a ceremony and weeks of fierce festivites, he arrived back as Eyon Jzita Stormheart-- Panthora Minora prince of Fierdowne.   He wasted no time getting back to Caomh after the fact, of course only after a few years spent being paraded around Stormfell, surely newly invigorated to delve into his training. After all, there's much to look forward to now, isn't there?


Unclear whether he was homeschooled before age 5.   Studied from age 5 to age 6 at the Fierdowne School for Proper Boys. Forced to withdraw before he finished his first year.   Trained from age 7 to age 11 with the Hunt in Caomh. Spotted through with a few brief returns, each time causing a fair bit of unrest and controversy.   Returned to Stormfell to travel and study various skills from place to place. Took some asynchronous classes with the Capital Royal Academy.   Returned to Caomh to train from age 16 to 21 with the Hunt.


Family Ties

Son of Uxyl Jzita and Lester Sylvek Stormheart.
Grandson of scribe Rishat Jzita.


Quick, snipped, and expressive. Rather to-the-point to a fault.
Current Status
Unlawfully detained (?) by the party
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
[Panthora Minora] Prince, The Free Spirit, the Defector, the Hunter
Date of Birth
Nov 2nd, Lester III
Year of Birth
1323 PQ 22 Years old
History of Fierdowne
Almond-shaped and cat-like, a wide and warm tangerine
Short and wavy dark brown, dyed mossy green at the tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Richly dark and perfectly smooth with rosy cheeks and joints
154 lbs
Aligned Organization

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