This item appears near or on a person filled with extreme despair and regret in their life. This item manifests as a near-invincible rock/gem that resembles the greatest desire of its owner. It can not be permanently separated from the person, as it will magically reappear on their person at sundown, and any attempts to magically or blessedly remove the item from the person will end in failure. The only way to separate the item from the person permanently is to allow a new great desire or dream to manifest in the person while doing away with their despair and regret. Ending the life of a person in possession of a Tynma creates a demon of despair.
Mechanics & Inner Workings
Effect: If the person truly gives into their regrets, despair, and desire to manifest their whole heart’s desire, they will transform into a Disciple of Sheol, a great and powerful daemon.
- How the Tynma and the person’s transmogrification is completed is through the sacrifice of that which the person loves the most. This can vary between precious items to entire cities and towns. More than a few transmogrifications have caused the entire city’s to be engulfed in the dark flames of Sheol.
Base Price