BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


It is said that Joan is the first soul willing to be reborn into the mortal world, thus making her the first living saint. She was reborn as a blacksmith's daughter named Joan. Her birthplace was the farthest area from where the vampires were. It is guessed that this was planned by God so that she had the best chance at being able to live until adulthood and fulfill her purpose. It is said that she possessed unnatural strength, never had formal education and had a calm conviction. Her calm conviction, kindness and dedication lead many to follow her. She taught the people of DeuSolis about the weaknesses that the vampires possessed, that Silver, Fire, and abilities of Darkness could harm and kill the vampires. There were 5 knights who followed her and dedicated their lives to help her fulfill her purpose. They helped her found the orders of the church, building organizations dedicated to eradicating the darkness of the land.   The Silvered Three, the Knights of God founded the Silver Cross, and they became known as The Saints Three. 
  • The Knight of Loyalty, The Saint of Unity, Syr Adamis
  • The Knight of Trust, The Saint of Faith, Syr Galival
  • The Knight of Perseverance, the Saint of Devotion, Syr Genevieve
The Knight of Conviction, Azazel, founded the Burning Halo, he became known as the Saint of Passion.    Lastly, The Knight of Shrouds, Cyrus, founded the Dark Sanctuary, he became known as the Saint of Sanctuary.   Eventually the battle between the light and dark came to a head and the Crimson Moon King offered to meet with Joan in Eden to sign an accord. The Crimson Moon King even agreed to meet at high noon as a foux sign of respect. Joan and her 5 Knights met at the original Church of God along with the Crimson Moon King and his 5 princes and 5 princesses (known as the Dark 10). Joan had invited all who wished to witness. Most humans came because of their trust and belief in her. The Crimson Moon King betrayed Joan. The betrayal came in a manner of countless wretches, a type of vampire that had not been seen before. The Crimson Moon King had hoarded these creatures over the years. The wretches were numerous and the orders caught unaware. They slaughtered many. Joan started to fight the Crimson moon King and the 5 Knights fought with the Dark 10. Joan wounded the Crimson Moon King with her blade and he retreated along with his 10 kin, claiming that the wretches would overcome them and they nearly did. Joan prayed, glowed and spoke with the word of God herself “Burn in the light”. That is when Vampires gained their vulnerability to sunlight. This marked a time of great change.


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