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Lt. Setsu

From JinJaru, Setsu is a gifted monk who was born with a connection to spirits. He was raised in the temple and taught how to use and improve his gift to aid the spirits that he comes across.   Setsu met the Princess Vanessa when she took a trip to JinJaru on crown business. They got closer and eventually fell in love and got married.   Vanessa's passion for the Silver Cross and the work they do opened his eyes to the true evil abounding in DeuSolis. He ended up joining the Dark Sanctuary in the Aetherius Ferrum and eventually worked his way up to Lieutenant with his natural abilities, leadership, and inspiring actions. He chose to join the Aetherius Ferrum to help using the powers he was gifted since they woked most closely with his specialty. The temple he was with was against his decision. Setsu tried to explain his reasonings, but the teachings and mentality were too different and the people of the temple too naive to the rampant evils of the rest of the world. Setsu remained a temple leader due to temple tradition, but he would be gone for long periods of time with the Order. Unfortunately he died on a temple mission during a ritual to seal a malicious spirit. No new Lieutenant has been chosen yet. His wife Vanessa has since moved back to Fidem to be with her sister and brother.     Donec Iterum Conveniant   There was a report of a powerful malicious spirit that was terrorizing a fairly isolated village. It had been seen lurking in the woods nearby. Setsu, along with his disciple Jin were accompanied by 2 other of the Temple's most powerful Psychics. Kazuma and Meishu. Kazuma has been the leader of the Temple since Setsu's passing. They left for the village together with the intention to exorcise or purify the spirit. When they got there, it was far more powerful than the report suggested. The four of them had tracked it to an abandoned shrine and begun the cleansing ritual, it seemed like success was close at hand until somehow the spirit broke through the enchantment and knocked Kazuma and Meishu out with a forceful repulse that slammed them through the delapidated wall. The spirit possessed an affinity for the element of fire and was burning the old shrine around them. Next Jin was knocked out by falling debris. He remembers a faded memory of being dragged to relative safety by an injured looking Setsu, it seemed that he had been stuck under a support beam that was on fire. Then Setsu was suddenly pulled away into the flames by the spirit and Jin fully lost consciousness. Upon waking he was being tended to by Meishu, Kazuma was praying over a charred body. They were able to finish the incantation and seal the spirit away but not before Setsu lost his life.
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Quotes & Catchphrases
"Once one has accepted death as part of life, one ceases to fear it." -Master Setsu


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