BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Nativitas Sancti

Chapter 1

1. God, knower of much, loves her people. She created the humans and has always wanted to keep them safe.
2. After three centuries, she saw that Abaddon’s creations, the Vampires, were beginning to cause insurmountable destruction for the humans.
3. As her humans were born, grew, multiplies and then died, Abaddon’s vampires just multiplies and murdered God's children. They never died, thus destroying the balance they originally sought to create.
4. Vampires were using God’s creations as not but food akin to cattle. God knew that something must be done, a person must be sent to help the land of DeuSolis.
5. A soul in heaven agreed to be sent to the world, reborn into an infant human.
6. There would not be a guarantee that the new human would make it to heaven, putting the soul at risk, however the soul said they was willing to take the risk.
7. The soul was reborn into a young girl named Joan, the daughter of a blacksmith in a village furthest from the vampire lands. She seemed completely unremarkable, but when God looked down on her from heaven, she smiled.  

Chapter 2.

1. As Joan grew, it became obvious to others that she was special. She had an unnatural strength. She never had a formal education, but always seemed to be knowledgeable and wise.
2. From a young age, Joan was able to invoke the heavenly power through hymns and prayers.
3 God surely blessed DeuSolis with this living saint.


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