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Rikkon is a stranger that came to Hemsfirth just after the first child was taken. He seems to be a top suspect in most people's eyes due to the fact that he doesn't give any information about his intentions for being in the town, along with his timing of arrival.

Lindsey, the owner of the Tavern, said that the parents of one of the children that was taken confronted Rikkon and attacked him physically. Rikkon just took the punch until a guard came to break it up, which took a good minute. She also said that he is dressed in armor most of the time and has a wolf pelt that he keeps as a coat. He doesn’t have an order sigil and he is not a dark hunter. He keeps to himself and doesn’t talk about his business in town. She describes him as an edgy boy. People say they see him leaving the town at night and he comes back in the morning. He showed up after the first boy went missing. He never gave a last name.

He contacted the order last year when he needed them after his little brother went missing in Scientia. He started investigating himself because the order wasn’t fast enough. No other children went missing in Scientia.
He tracked the creature from Scientia to Hemsfirth. The creature is not human. He describes it as a vaguely humanoid figure, arms too long for its body, razor sharp claws. Almost wanted to pass as human. Long cape and top hat. Looked at him over its shoulder with glowing eyes and smoke coming out of it then it vanished. Definitely not a wretch or werewolf.
He heard the children’s rhyme back in scientia before his brother went missing.
He let the dad of the missing kid hit him because he did the same thing when his brother was taken (hurt someone out of anger)
He tracks it, he sees signs of it, nobody knows what it is, nobody really believes him. He is very passionate and frustrated.
He feels it’s almost good the priest got killed because it brought help into the town to figure out the issue.
He usually goes out at sundown and doesn’t stay out much past midnight.


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