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Sloegarde is inspired by Venice. It is a city not associated with the church or Fidem and Queen Victoria.

There is a river that separates Sloegarde from Lagosi. It's close proximity to the River and Oceans makes it a large trading hub for DeuSolis. Sloegarde is a city that has started to gain popularity, strength, and wealth in the last 20 years. Many people credit this rise to their leader who took center stage and turned Sloegarde from a minor blip on the map to a large and opulent city of wealth, joy, and culture.

The ruler of Sloegarde is Queen Ludocelia.
Language spoken: Stellan
It is a Higher Class city, and to say otherwise would be a grave insult.
Their military is was practically nonexistent other than a handful of guards until Queen Ludocelia came into power. She has increased the military power of the city and it is now a force to be reckoned with.
Main Trade: Silk, Hysteria Root, Sulfur (They have the richest sulfur mine in DeuSolis)
The people of Sloegarde value Opulence, Levity and Mystique


  • Do not murder. Punishment can be 5 years in prison, death sentence or banishment
  • Do not steal: Punishment can be 5 hours in the Pillory, 1 year in Prison or a 500 gp fine
  • Do not disrupt levity: Punishment can be 1 hour in the Pillory
  • Do not create mass panic: Punishment can be 3 hours in the Pillory or a 50 gp fine
  • Do not insult one's betters: Punishment can be anything from 5 days in prison to a Death Sentence


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