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The Dark Sanctuary

The Dark Sanctuary was originally started by Syr Cyrus, the Knight of Shrouds, the Saint of Sanctuary. When he met Joan, he said to her, "I have no right to judge another, as long as you don't mean others harm. You may have a safe place to rest and I will protect you." and that has been the basis of this organization.

It has been said that Syr Cyrus himself was from an unnatural bloodline that left him an outcast from normal society. The Dark Sanctuary holds itself to the teachings of Joan and fights the darkness, whether that be Vampire, Hags, Shifters or Abominations. It also helps those with corrupted blood to learn how to keep a handle on the corruption and even use the corruptions to help others.

Things that they have developed to help with the corruption:
  • Anger Management
  • Saint's Root
  • Purpose


1 Supreme Shroud
  • Sanguineous
1 Captain
  • Calder Locke
3 Lieutenants
  • Alek (Sanguine Ferrum)
  • Helene (Absconditus Ferrum)
  • Setsu (Aetherius Ferrum)
Knights: Merits can be earned to gain extra benefits and renowned. Knights must have a certain amount of merits to be considered for Lieutenant or Captain.

The Oath of Sanctuary

I vow to provide refuge for those in need.
The role of judge is not mine to claim.
For as long as there is no aggression in thine heart or intent, I shall defend thee and you will have a place to rest.
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