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The Knight of Conviction

The Knight of Conviction, the Saint of Passion. Syr Azazel
  The last to join Joan's main company. Azazel was a man that would at first not be the most friendly towards Joan. He happened to be traveling to the same place as her to cleanse it of a Daemonic possession infestation. The people of the town had been slowly drained of morality and the place had descended into chaos. Joan stayed his hand for his methods of putting the town to the torch. "These people are beyond saving, once they fall to the great adversary's influence they cannot be brought back. Only the flame can save their souls. Now out of the way, false savior" he pushed Joan aside with torch in hand to set it to a house he had locked the infected within. Joan implored, "NO! There is a way, there has to be! You must let me try! In the name of God and all that is good, please stay your hand." Azazel rebutted in righteous fury, "You dare invoke Her name to me?! You have no right! I know God's will and I shall see it done!" he again moves to pass her. Cyrus stands between them not speaking a word Joan, but with a kind word to Cyrus, she said "It's alright, I can handle myself." Then turned to Azazel and said, "Azazel, if you believe you are in the right then I challenge you to a duel of faith. If I win, you must stay your hand and allow me to try to save these people. If you win, you may have my life and declare me the false savior to all." to which he accepted. The battle between Joan and Azazel was unlike any that the Silvered Three or Cyrus had seen before, they admit that in that moment they could not have defeated him. Azazel with strength, agility and technique behind his blade, Joan was nearly defeated. Even with her God given strength, Azael would be one of her strongest foes. It is said that it was thanks to her endurance that she persevered, Azael may have been mighty but the brightest flame burns the fastest. After Joan is victorious, Azael yields and allows her to try what she wills without interference. That day he witnessed the first Exorcism and in its glory, he wept. He would later learn this technique and adopt it into himself. It is said that the Flames of Azael, should the soul be of God and righteous, they would not burn you and purify the body.


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