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The Knights of God

Knight of Perseverance, the Saint of Devotion. Syr Jeniveve
Knight of Trust, the Saint of Faith. Syr Galival
Knight of Loyalty, the Saint of Unity. Syr Adamis

Joan and Cyrus were venturing back to the Church on rumors of a large scale attack on her homeland. They arrived in time to assist the struggling knights to push back the Vampires. An ambitious noble had recruited Elders to attack the heart of the Church with promises to allow them to rise to nobility if they are successful. Many lives were lost and it was widely agreed upon that if it had not been for Joan and Cyrus, the battle would have been lost. Her great strength and Cyrus' defensive ability allowed the Knights of God to push the Vampires out and it was Joan who slayed the Noble in a one on one fight atop the blazing church. The city, though mostly on fire, was still salvageable. Repairs were the easiest part of the fix, the lives lost were numerous and the people's spirits low. Then Joan stood among the people and delivered a speech that rallied to people to continue on. Some say there were other dark forces that day, preying upon the weakened resolve of the people. That if Joan had not been there, many think the town would have been lost still, even if the battle was won, to depravity and madness. The early signs were showing on some, Joan went to them and spoke with them for as long as it took to ease their minds and souls, along with giving every last coin she possessed and hunted everyday to make sure the people did not go hungry. The Knights of God were of course grateful but still skeptical of Joan in her long term motives. She had developed a reputation by then and the opinion about her was very divided. Her acts of selflessness and valor quelled any doubts they had. After peace had been restored to Domus'Stella (it would be renamed after her passing), the three Knights joined Joan, believing her presence and mission was Godsent. They swore allegiance to Joan and all she stood for.


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