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The Land of Night

The side of the woods of night that belongs to the vampires is largely uncharted due to the fact that it would take someone suicidal to actually traverse these lands.
A few areas have been investigated if necessary, mostly the areas near the ocean or the woods where the orders can "easily" access or past journeys to specific areas.

  The known castles and strongholds belonging to the vampires are:
Sanguine Chasm: Where Kragen the Sire of Cruelty was discovered at one point (This is when Jaya was rescued from Kragen by the Dark Sanctuary)
Sanguis Sanctuarii: Ciro's Castle
Sanguis Maris Domini: Renwick's Castle
Cordis Sanguis: Narcissa's Castle
Venae Gelidae: Dreki's Castle
and the cast of the Crimson Moon King

There are also two swamps called:
  • The Wild Cove
  • and the other half of the Thunder Swamp.


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