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Aroden (AIR-oh-den)

LN God of Humanity, Innovation, History and Culture

The Living God (a.k.a. The First Zamorian)

Mortal Life


Divine Life



In the 3rd year after the Doom of Zamora, Aroden organized the remnants of the Imperial Army into a great host to defeat Trigon's dark forces. Aroden's army was outnumbered but were confident in with the Living God leading them they were assured of victory. At the Battle of Namidia the Imperial Remnant clashed with the Forces of Darkness.
At first Aroden's forces had the upper hand and seemed assured of victory until Trigon took the field. Aroden sought to face Trigon in single combat, accounts that survived the Age of Darkness indicate that at first Aroden seemed to have the upper hand in his duel with Trigon but it soon became clear that Trigon appeared to be toying with the God of Humanity. Trigon slew Aroden in view of his entire army, what once seemed like a victory for the Forces of the living soon turned into a slaughter as Aroden's forces began to rout in the face of their god's death at the hands of Trigon.

Consequences of Death

In the immediate aftermath of Aroden's defeat, many of his followers believed that he was not truly dead as no god had ever died before. However it soon became clear to all Arodenites that the Living God was no more as after the the Battle of Namidia all clerics and champions of Aroden lost their divine powers.

Relationship with Other Religions

Aroden's strongest allies were the deities worshipped in in his mortal upbringing. He turned to the Manual of City-Building, holy text of Abadar, for inspiration when establishing Zagig and Zamoria, and saw the art inspired by Shelyn as necessary for a successful civilization. Irori saw Aroden as a friend who obtained godhood from mortality much as he did, and was greatly troubled by his death.

Aroden respected Cayden Cailean as proof that human ingenuity, luck, and will were such that even a drunkard could succeed in the in a battle of wits with a god such as him. Norgorber, a villain who represents humanity's darkest urges, was a sworn enemy of every Arodenite.

Aroden saw Lamashtu as the darkness and chaos lurking in the wild beyond the perimeter between man and beast, and Urgathoa as a reminder of the worst excesses that he left behind in Tengaraia.
Date of Death
3rd year of Sixth Age
4525 BCA 205 BCA 4320 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Trigon at Battle of Namidia
Place of Death
Plains of Namidia


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