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Knight of the People

The Knights of the People are a proto-socialist revolutionary group based in the Kingdom of Taldor.

Public Agenda

The Knights of the People seek to replace the feudal landowning system of Kingdom of Taldor and replace it with a agrarian collectivist model by overthrowing the feudal regime and redistributing the lands to the peasants who currently farm the land in collectivist villages.


The Knights of the People were founded as a radical disccusion group of students at the University of Adeldheid in 1185 of the 5th Age. In 1187 the group published their first political manifesto titled "Power to The People" where their ideas were enumerated for the first time (Agrarian socialism
Soon after the authorities got their hands on the manifesto the group became a target of both the royal athoraties of Kingdom of Taldor for their assertion of the overthrow of the monarchy and the Templar Order due to their advocacy for the lifting of the regulations of magi and abondnment of the Laws of Abadar .
Founding Date
1185 of the Fifth Age
Political, Activist
Alternative Names
Notable Members
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