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A spell-monger is a merchant who provides magical services in exchange for money.   These can range from spells to achieve certain tasks that would be too onerous or impossible to preform using mundane means (such as detecting water for a well), or enchantments to protect from common vermin, or magical healing.


Social Status

Spell-mongers are seen on par with other artisans such as a tailor or blacksmith.  However a spell-monger establishing a practice in a new location might have to overcome the inbuilt Taldan prejudice against magic, but most established spell-mongers with good reputations can become pillars of their community.



Most spell-mongers maintain store fronts.  These stores are often decorated with many strange items to give the air of the mystical and magical. These decorations usually are just to impress the mundane customers and have no actual magical purpose.  
Itinerant spell-mongers (usually called hedge mages) are also known to travel the roads offering their services along their travels.  Often hedge mages are unregistered mages beneath the notice of the Templar Order.

Provided Services

Example Services of a Spell-monger (spells)
  • Minor healing (Heal, Restoration, Restore senses)
  • Enchanting locks (Lock)
  • Dowsing
  • Magical Mending (Mending)
  • Warding of property *Protection)
  • Sorting (quick sort)
  • Magical Translation (comprehend Language)
  • Magical Dispelling (Dispel Magic)
  • Magical crafting (shape wood)
  • Veterinarian services(Speak with Animals)
  • Object enchanting
  • and others
Alternative Names
Sell-wizard, Practical Wizard, Practical Adept, Hedge Mage
In Taldor spellmongers must register with the royal Circle of Magi in order to legally sell magical services (or practice any kind of magic) or be subject to arrest by the Templar order.


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