
A castellan is the governor or captain of a castellany and its castle. A castellan is appointed, usually by a ruling lord or lady, to oversee the defense of the castle when the lord himself is away or unable to attend to the tasks himself.  


  Castellans are usually male, although women can be appointed to the position as well. Preference might be given to warriors, who have knowledge and skill in warfare.   Should the lord who appointed the castellan die, the castellan will remain in office until the new lord or lady dismisses him. Additionally, a castellan might retain his position after the lord's death due to said lord's will, despite the new ruler having taken position.   Castellans can be appointed when the lord goes to war. Other lords might prefer to leave the castle under the command of their wives, who are subsequently able to name a castellan if need be. Other lords might choose to appoint a castellan during times of peace when they spent longer periods of time away from their seat. In addition, castellans can serve while a lord remains at his seat, giving the lord counsel.   A castellan has no right to make marriage pacts.


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