
Sir Cruciferus is a famous member of the Brimirist Faith. He is a member of the ancient and nearly extinct Primos race. He has been alive since the beginning of the Church, dating back thousands of years. He is the leader of the Holy Swords of the Church, the greatest knights in Brimrdom.   

Appearance and Character

  Cruciferus is among the few left of the ancient Primos. He stands near 10 feet tall, and has skin as white as marble. His armour is old and alien, made entirely of Primosi Steel. He was large white wings on his back like an angel. He carries a greatsword that he can wield with one hand. He is able to cast holy magic.   Cruciferus is silent. When not preparing for battle or enacting justice on sinners, he will be found in solitude, praying in his castle. He is described as a lonley person, being one of the last members of his race and because of his immortality.
Multiple Thousands
Solid Gold


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