Cyranne Luun

Ser Cyranne Luun is a knight of House Luun and is the eldest daughter and heir of Cyr Luun and Breanne Luun. She is the elder twin of Luuanne Luun.  

Appearance and Character

Cyranne has fair skin, blue eyes, and long darker blonde hair. She wears plate armour over black and purple cloaks and chainmail. She wears a purple curcoat with silver moons and stars. She has a circlet made out of Moonblessed silversteel, and wields a moonsteel longsword. When at feasts or balls, Cyranne can be found in black and purple silk dresses, though normally she would be found wearing doublets, breeches, and boots.   Cyranne is known to be just and honourable. She enjoys hearing stories of True Knights around court, and dreams of becoming one. Cyranne is known to crumble in public places, she can be awkward and quiet, usually having to be saved by her sister, Luuanne Luun, or father. She has one friend, Lyon Crakehall. Though when she has a helmet over her head, Cyranne is confident, strong, and determined. Cyranne is skilled at arms, though has yet to win any tournaments. She spends most of her time in the yard training with the Master-at-arms and Lyon Crakehall.
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