Duka Drannor

Duka Drannor, known as Silverwing, is the youngest dragon child of Ysuran Drannor and Misab. He is married, and had two children, though they are not dragons.  

Appearance and Character

  Duka spends the least amount of time in his dragon form, he has silver scales and glowing blue eyes. In his elven appearance, he has given himself silver white hair, blue skin, and blue eyes. He wears fashionable capes and clothes, and has elaborate jewlery.   Duka is known to be the most level headed of his siblings. He is driven solely by securing his family's strength, and to spread their influence and power over the known world. He is a skilled negotiator and diplomat, and often spends time in court with his uncle Argon Drannor.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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