Garen Gardener

Ser Garen Gardener, known as The Green Knight, is a knight of Greenridge of House Gardener and the son of Garold Gardener. He is a excellent swordsman, many consider him to be the strongest sword in Majik.  

Appearance and Character

  Garen is a handsome man with short honey hair and warm hazel eyes. He has a charming and easy smile. He has a over the top flair to when he fights. He is a talented showman and knows how to get the crowd roaring, either by his skill or antics. Garen is a homosexual, he has taken Rhys of Blackhold as his paramour.   Garen is known to be overly confident, bold, and flashy. He is quick witted and not one to shy away from speaking his mind. When he fights he has fun taunting his opponents with a whole manner of various mockeries. Though lighthearted, Garen can be short-tempered and impetuous.   Garen has a beautiful steel armour with an armet helm. It is decorated with emeralds and with gilded engravings. The steel itself is the colour of grass and he wears a long golden cape. He proven deadly with all manor of weapons, using axes, lances, morningstars, and swords. His sword is beautiful silver steel, the hilt is gold and on the pommel is a large emerald. When not in armour the knight wears fine green and gold clothing with his cape and gloves, along with a fashionable sheathe for his sword.
The Green Knight
Honey Brown


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