
Humanoid is a general term for the enormous variety of sentient species that made up the world's primary inhabitants, both savage and civilized. They are capable of language, culture, and, in many cases, of learning magic.  


  Humanoids are typically biped, having two arms, two legs, and walking upright, but they varied widely in terms of size and features. Most did not have innate spellcasting abilities, besides elves, and they generally are capable of using tools and weapons.  

Sub families

   This is the term used to collectively refer to dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings. What some humans viewed as being the "civilized", generally benevolent non-humans. The term "demihuman" is rooted in a humanocentric perspective, as some humans considered humans to be wholly distinct from other humanoids, some even going so far as to claim that humans predated most humanoid races.   Goblinoids
   Otherwise known as "goblinkin," "goblinoid" was a term used to collectively refer to goblins and the humanoid races believed to be related to them, such as hobgoblins and orcs.   Humanoids
   The term humanoids was also frequently used in a narrower sense, which excluded humans as well as demihumans and giants.  


  The most numerous humanoid societies are composed of dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. A few other humanoid races are far more primitive, generally evil or hostile, such as gnolls, goblinoids, kobolds, lizardfolk, and orcs. These species are not considered demihumans and often lived within clans or tribes.   Sometimes these humanoids would go against the norms of their societies and take up the life of an adventurer, often facing prejudice along the way with inns having rules against serving them, shops refusing to do business with them, authorities watching them closely for signs of trouble, as well as unscrupulous humans and demihumans fearing them or wishing to exploit them. Some humanoids faced physical limitations, running into communities which were built with smaller or larger humanoids in mind or those of a different body type, and could require weapons specially designed for someone of their size.


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