Kolgrinn Gold

King Kolgrinn Gold is a legendary dwarven ruler of Majik and the Diamond Isles.  

Appearance and Character

  Kolgrinn is described as a golden haired dwarf, carrying a heavy golden axe.   Some tales tell Kolgrinn to be cold and vain, others say he was a wise and just ruler.


  Kolgrinn is believed to have been the first King of Majik. It is said that Kolgrinn took thousands of dwarves across the sea to inhabit the Diamond Isles during The Forever War Some tales state that Kolgrinn was a general who was exiled, others tell that Kolgrinn was told to colonize the Diamond Isles by the Dwarven Council for resources that could assist the nation in the conflict.   Kolgrinn arrived in Majik and quickly began mining the precious gems of the island. He attempted to push north into the Greatwood but was stopped by it's "guardians and spirits". When he came into contact with the native population of Sea Elves. In some tales he slaughtered and enslaved the elven population, then taking the leaders daughter as his wife. In a more widely believed tale, Kolgrinn engaged in diplomacy with the elves, and later fell in love with the daughter Seastar. In the treaty signed with the Sea Elves it stated that "The sea and salt shall remain theirs while the rocks and grass be mine". Kolgrinn also promised to build a castle close to the sea so his wife could still be close to her home and family, leading to the Palace-by-the-Sea, which is still used by Majik monarchs today.   Along with the Palace-by-the-Sea he is believed to have built the cities Goldport, Goldgrain (now called Sunharvest), and Goldrocks.


The Age of Mythos
Kolgrinn Goldenhand
Kolgrinn Goldbeard
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of the Diamond Isles
Master of Majik
Master of the Waves


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