Magnus Victor

Magnus Victor, called Lord Shadow, was the son of Emperor Odgrub the Elder and brother of Emperor Odgrub the Younger. He served as the Master of Laws, Master of Coin and Hand of the King during and after the reign of his brother.  

Appearance and Character

  Magnus was shorter and less attractive than his brother, Odgrub the Younger, though much more intelligent. It is said that Odgrub inherited his father's strength, white Magnus inherited his mind. He had pale golden hair and white skin, along with mismatched eyes of blue and brown, though he would later lose his brown eye during the - Uprising.   Magnus was thin and gaunt. Despite not having the reputation of a great warrior, like his brother and father, he was a skilled swordsman, though he preferred to use a longbow.   Magnus was rumoured to be a sinister sorcerer, and spymaster, using magic and spies to rule the empire.
The Emperor in the Shadow
The Shadow Emperor
Lord Shadow


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