Malwynn Juden

Lord Malwynn Juden is the current head of House Juden and Lord of the Skydome. As age has rendered Malwynn incapable of ruling, his grandson, Thayn Juden has become the acting lord of his lands and house.  

Appearance and Character

  In his youth Malwynn was tall, lean, and handsome. He had long braided black hair and dark skin. Age has turned Malwynn's hair completely white, with wrinkles covering his skin and he has grown a large beard that reaches his waist. The last couple of years Malwynn has shrunk, his back stooping and his body becoming much more gaunt. Now Malwynn is mainly confined to his bed, he has brief spouts of consciousness and intelligence, though they are limited.    Malwynn was told to be a cheerful and jovial figure. He was both friendly and diligent, he is remembered fondly by nobles and smallfolk alike. Even in his current state, he is considered quite spry.


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