Quellion II Ottez

King Quellion Ottez, the Second of His Name

Quellion II Ottez
, known as Quellion the Good, -

Appearance and Character

  Quellion, like his father, was tall and handsome. He had fair skin, with golden hair and eyes. He dressed plainly for a king. wearing simple fur coats with purple and yellow shirts. Quellion's crown was a silver circlet, inlayed with yellow gemstones.   Quellion was often regarded as a charming and kind individual. He was an intelligent and skilled statesman, serving under his own father as his Hand of the King for many years. The Good King was usually easy going, allowing exemptions on taxes and less harsh punishments than what the realm was used too. He was well loved by the lords and smallfolk alike.   In no sense was Quellion a warrior, but he had a skill in swordship that he often did not show. He gained a scar across his right cheek during the Majiki Tiefling Uprising . Following the war, and his sons' deaths, he became far more bitter and sharp tongued.    


Early Life

Quellion the Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master of Coin
Hand of the King
King of Majik
Lord of the Palace of the Sea
212 AGW 466 AGW 254 years old
Aligned Organization


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