Rodrick Stone

Ser Rodrick Stone, known as Bloodstone, was a knight of Majik. During Aerentis' seize of Majik, he became castellan of Goldrock to ensure their loyalty to Aerentis. He went on to abuse his power horrificaly, and when Aerentis ordered him back to answer for his crimes, Rodrick fled Goldrock and forming the Bloodstone Band, a bandit group that terrorized the lower half of majik for two years. He was captured by Gerold Gardener, and for his crimes he was first gelded, then thrown into a crow cage over Crownbay.  

Appearance and Character

  Rodrick was a large man, strong and skilled with a sword. He inspired great loyalty in his men.    He was originally thought of as noble, but the knight was a horrible, cruel man, who seized all the power and wealth he could.  


  The Stones were a family of unlanded knights, many of their kin were present in the city guards of Alumyth and the palace guards of the Palace-by-the-Sea.   By the year 277, Rodrick Stone had a nephew, Gregory Stone, and a cousin, Jeffery Stone. Rodrick had become a captain within Majik's military.    After Allard Theven surrendered on the field of battle, Aerentis sent a detachment of 600 soldiers, led by Rodrick, to follow Allard back to his keep. Allard died on the way there and his grandson, Willard, who was still a babe, become lord of Goldtooth. When he arrived Rodrick forcefully named himself castellan of Goldtooth, those who spoke against him were killed. He then forcefully took the widows of Willard's father and uncle, as his paramours and took advantage of the pleasentries that the castle of Goldtooth had to offer. When being made aware of Rodrick's actions Aerentis called
The Widow Lover


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