Ser Redrik Eveld

Ser Redrik Eveld, called Ser Redrik 'The Sworn', is the first born son of the late High King Edward II Eveld and High Queen Marni Eveld. Redrik joined the Kingsguard at the age of 19 after being knighted by Careem Stormsword, the knight he squired for. After Edward's death he replaced Coryn Stallworth as Lord Commander of the newly created Queensguard, for the High Queen Regent Marni.  

Appearance and Character

Ser Redrik is much taller than his father, standing around six feet and a half. He has short blonde hair, and a short beard around his face, aswell as stormy grey eyes. His lack of resemblance to his father has caused controversy in the court whether Edward is the true father, but Edward fiercely protected his son.   Redrik is known for his strong sense of honour, and the many oaths he swore on his way to the royal guard. He is skilled with a sword, lance and axe, being trained by one of the realm's best, Careem Stormsword.


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