
Steel is a hard alloy often used to make weapons and armor. Iron is the base metal of steel.


  Steel is forged by blacksmiths. Cheap steel can be brittle, while castle-forged steel is considered higher quality. Polished steel can reflect light, but steel will rust if not cared for, especially if it is cheap. Using spells, Dwarven smiths are said to make items superior even to the castle-forged steel of the Human Kingdoms.   Steel can appear blue, silver-blue, grey, and black, and some artisans decorate steel with paint or enamel.[1] For instance, and the knights of the Kingsguard wear white steel plate. Steel can also be jeweled, silvered, gilded, and filigreed.


  Weapons made of steel include axes, caltrops, crossbow bolts, daggers,lance points, maces, morningstars, pike points, scythes,spearheads, swords, and the tips of whips. Masters-at-arms can provide blunted weapons for training instead of live steel. Steel attire includes boots, caps, codpieces, gauntlets, gorgets, greaves, hauberks, helms, ringmail, plate, rondels, shinguards,and vambraces. Wooden shields can be banded with steel, and small shields can be made of the alloy. Horseshoes can also be made of steel.


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