Osada Akihiro Character in Tennoji | World Anvil
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Osada Akihiro

He who greets with fire

Shogun Akihiro Osada (a.k.a. The Lion of Shugo-rin)

The head of the Osada Clan and the leader of the Osada Shogunate, Akihiro is one of the most powerful men in Tennoji. After teaming up with the Nure clan and working with the likes of Heinorri, danger is soon on the horizon as this warlord seeks to take anything he can!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, Tough and Tall

Body Features

Large arms and a large chest. A bit of a belly but he knows how to use it

Facial Features

Dark hair, brown eyes, gruff cheeks with long mustache and short beard

Identifying Characteristics

Scar across his back from left shoulder to right hip. Tattoos run all along his body depicting a lion defeating a dragon from the plains to the highest peak. A bit hairy

Physical quirks

Smirks when confronted with strength. Rarely smiles otherwise

Special abilities

To be seen

Apparel & Accessories

Grand set of Clan Armor with a resplendant Kabuto featuring a mempo similar the the mouth of a lion. A mane of dark fur surrounds the Kabuto giving the rest of the appearance of a lion. The armor is cumbersome but sturdy and is colored a dark red with accents of gold and bright yellow ropes holding it together. His daisho is a ceremonial set of blades dating back to the beginning of the Osada. They rest is gold scabbards, the tachi featuring a red wrap, the wakizashi featuring a dark brown wrap. He also carries a large and adorned Naginata but is also often seen on the battlefield wielding a Tetsubo of terrible size and appearance.

Specialized Equipment

Specialized in Tactics, Melee Combat, Horseback Riding, Archery, Wrestling, Poetry, and Diplomacy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised in the prestigious Osada Clan, and taught the ways of war from an early age, Hotei, as he was known then, was always seen as a tactical prodigy. After his gempuku at 16, he took the name of his great ancestor, Akihiro. was sent south from his hometown of Sakura no Oka to rule the land of Kurai Mizu. From here he became known as the Border Watchman as stories grew of him slaying ghosts of the Black Forest - Kurokami. After the death of his father, Osada Akizuma , Akihiro ramained for a time in Kurai Mizu, leading the clan from a mighty castle he had built himself. Recently he has left the castle in his younger brothers hands as has joined forces with nefarious allies in an attempt to gain more power, and independence from the empire.


Head of the Osada Clan

Accomplishments & Achievements

Slayer of the Oni of some sort; Drove back the Ghosts of the Ikazawa; Conqueror of Ryokuchi and Kawa no Sakura

Intellectual Characteristics

Smart but can be very boastful at times. Very persistant in his goal. Very judgemental. Always looking for another strong addition to his forces. Quick to use force or executions in his judgement of lessers. Disciplined to a fault.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that only the strong can rule. Does not believe in Divine Heirarchy. Can be jovial but hesitates to show it

Personality Characteristics


Akihiro has long dreamed of a day he ruled the south with an Iron fist, seperate from the emperor. However, he has soon discovered a secret that could lead to more power than he ever imagined. Could it be too good to be true?


Contacts & Relations

Family Ties

Osada Clan   Osada Akizuma

Hobbies & Pets

Kitsukami; a large lion that Akihiro takes very good care of. He rides this lion into battle.

Cunning, smart, and brutal, Akihiro aims to be his own king and break off from the empire

Character Location
Current Location
Kawa no Sakura
View Character Profile
The Lion of Shugo-rin is a worthy adversary in and out of combat
"If they do not bow to me, they will not bow to anyone" - Osada Akihiro
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Shogun of the Shugo-rin Provinces; The Lion of Shugo-rin; Head of the Osada Clan
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
235 lbs
Aligned Organization

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